Announcing Thoughtful3

I spent last 6 days creating Thoughtful3. It’s basically Twitter but it is hosted on Ethereum blockchain and thus is very expensive. Like $8 per Tweet that you have to pay the crypto miners to embed your thoughts into the blockchain. I think it’s a feature actually: with such high prices no problem with spam accounts.

Why? I like the idea of embedding your thoughts into Ethereum forever. Whatever I post there is likely to outlive me. Also this is truly censorship resistant. So if you need to complain about evil governments: go ahead (but it’ll cost you $8 per 300 characters). Anyway I’ve always wanted to make a Web3 app, i.e. a decentralised app. This is my first (Web3 and Thoughtful is the reason for the name). Underneath I am using thegraph. I used vyper for the smartcontract & pure typescript (no libraries like React) for the front end. Code of the project can be found here.

I didn’t know much about Metamask (extension that allows you to interact with Ethereum network) nor modern JavaScript 6 days ago and heavily used ChatGPT3 to generate boilerplate code for me & used DALL-E to generate a logo.